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Leif Azzopardi is a Associate Professor at the University of Strathclyde, UK, within the Department of Computer and Information Sciences. Leif specializes in modelling and measuring how people interact with search and recommendation systems using theory from economics to ecology. He has over 200 peer reviewed publications on Interactive Information Retrieval focus on how user behaviour (with over 6500 citations). Key works relevant to this tutorial include his work modelling people as economic actors and his work summarizing the different cognitive biases affecting search. They have given numerous invited talks on Formal Models of Information Seeking and Retrieval throughout the world and lectured at the Information Foraging Summer School (2011, 2012 and 2013) and Symposium of Future Directions in Information Access (2007-2013). He has given various tutorials at leading conferences, on for example, the Economics Models and Measures of Search (SIGIR 2019, ICTIR 2016), Modelling the Costs and Benefits of Interaction, (CHIIR CHI2019, CHIIR 2017), Simulation of Interaction (SIGIR 2016), Formal Models of Search (CIKM 2015, ICTIR 2015).
Jiqun Liu is currently an Assistant Professor of Data Science and Affiliated Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Oklahoma. He directs the OU human-computer interaction and recommendation (HCIR) Lab where he advises students from different backgrounds on intelligent search and recommendation, human-centered computing, and responsible AI research. His current research program focuses on the intersection of human-AI interaction, machine learning, and cognitive psychology. His work applies the knowledge learned about people interacting with information in user modeling, adaptive search and recommendation, bias mitigation and human-centered fairness evaluation. His research on bias-aware user modeling and IR evaluation received grant support from National Science Foundation (NSF) and has been published at premier venues, such as ACM SIGIR, CHIIR, CIKM, JCDL, IP&M, EMNLP, and TheWebConf. His work has also been introduced in a research monograph entitled "A Behavioral Economics Approach to Interactive Information Retrieval: Understanding and Supporting Boundedly Rational Users" by Springer Nature and presented through numerous invited talks to both academic audiences and tech industry practitioners.